Sunday, May 24, 2009

Goin, goin, back, back, to Cali, Cali

Last weekend we made a quick trip to California. Every year my school makes a turn around trip to Disneyland, and every year I say," no thanks, that doesn't sound fun for me." Waking up extremely early one morning, driving 7 hours on a bus to get there, spending ALL day at Disneyland, and then driving 7 hours home that same night doesn't sound too appealing. I did do this trip once before when I was in high school and I just remember that it took me an entire weekend to recover.

So this year when the talk about Disneyland started in March I just ignored it since I really wasn't planning on going. Then, my assistant principal mentioned something about Daryl, my old assistant, meeting us there. Daryl and I worked together the last 2 school years but then he moved back to LA because that's where he's from. Daryl and I still keep in contact and when he mentioned that it peaked my interest because I do love visiting Daryl. We went to LA to visit him last summer.

I asked Daryl if that sounded like something he would want to do. He checked with his work and was able to get the day off, so I guess that made my decision for me that I was going too. I told the teacher in charge that I would ride over on that bus, but that Jon-Paul and Adrian would be meeting us there and I was just going to stay so I wouldn't be riding the bus back. She said that was fine.

My best friend Monique asked if she could come to Disneyland with us when we took Adrian for the first time. (He was like 3 months old when she first asked) So, we also mentioned our plans to her and asked if she wanted to come too. She was beyond excited. So it ended up being Jon-Paul, Adrian, Monique, and Monique's husband Don that met us over in Disneyland.

The morning of the trip I had to get up at 2:30 am so that I was at school by 4am, yuck. We left RP at 4:45am. I got about 45 minutes of sleep on the bus, and by the time we got there around 11:30 I was a little worn out. Jon-Paul and the rest of them didn't leave our house until 5:30, but we happened to meet in the parking line at exactly the same time. I was told that Adrian got a little nap here and there on the trip over, so I was hoping he wouldn't be too cranky during the day. He wasn't at all. He actually did great and went on all the grown-up rides that he was tall enough to do. He went in an saw the Honey I Shrunk the Audience show, he went on Pirates of the Carribean, the Haunted Mansion, the race cars, and the Amazon boat ride.

We actually didn't go do any of the little kid activities, oops. We'll go back again I'm sure.

We did get to see Mickey but just in the parade.
Waiting in line for the Haunted Mansion.
For some reason those are really the only pictures we have of Disneyland. The rest of the pictures are from the rest of the weekend with Daryl. On Saturday he took us to the beach and he took his kayak. Jon-Paul loved it and they didn't even tip over once. The water was a little cold but we got used to it.

Of course the only thing Adrian wanted to do was dig in the sand and be buried, so that's what he did. He's not a big fan of the ocean. Especially since it was cold and the waves could have knocked him over.
Jon-Paul wanted to join in on the burying action too.

Daryl digging a big hole for Adrian to jump in to.

Adrian "helping" drag the kayak back to the truck.

Ride back to Daryl's place to clean up and get rid of all the sand.
The ride home on Sunday wasn't too bad. Adrian did start to whine about an hour away from home, and we found out later it was because he had some little stomach problem that kept him in the bathroom the next few days after we got home. TMI I know.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Our new truck!

About a year ago we had a Dodge Ram, and this was the time when gas was $4.00 a gallon. Jon-Paul was driving the limo, so it wasn't really necessary for us to have a second vehicle that was a big gas guzzler. So, Jon-Paul traded it in for a Saab that got incredible gas mileage. The only problem with the Saab was that it was extremely small and low to get into. Putting a child in and out of small car is not my idea of fun.

Two weeks ago Jon-Paul got the great news that his friend had gotten him a new job. Jon-Paul cannot be happier with his new job!! He has a normal Monday-Friday job with regular hours and a lot better pay. Heck, I'm excited for our new regular schedule.

So, we decided that we are now in a better situation and it was time to get a bigger vehicle. I'm a truck girl at heart, and I was so happy when Jon-Paul found this used Titan online. He drove it home on Friday night and we signed the paperwork on Saturday morning. I love it and it's extremely roomy. And it's pretty!!