New url. New template. Almost a new year. I blog for myself because I know very few people read this, but it is still a shame that is has been 7 months since my last post.
Our last url was kleintrio which made sense because there were 3 of us. Since adding a fourth to our family I thought it was time to change it. I wanted something that meant 4. I toyed with kleincuatro which is 4 in Spanish, but no me gusta. I was trying to think of words that start with a k or a k sound to go with our last name. Fittingly I thought of the word crew. Now, we aren't a full 8-man crew, and will NEVER be one, but we could compete as a 4-man team. I am the only person in this family that has actually been on a real crew team, but maybe one day the boys might try it out. It is a very athletic sport to say the least. That is the one and only time I would consider myself even close to being in any shape at all.
Adrian is about to turn 4 in a couple weeks, although I think he could pass for at least 5 or 6 already. He is going to start playing t-ball in January. Jon-Paul could not be happier. Evan is 7 months old and sweet as ever. He has 2 bottom teeth and 2 top teeth are peeking through. He rolls everywhere but will not get up and crawl. Takes after Adrian in that regard. He is the best sleeper too just like Adrian. In fact, last night he went to bed at 5:30pm and didn't wake up until 8:30am this morning. Can we say growth spurt?
I only have 4 more school days with these fun(?) 6th graders, and then 2 weeks off. Our house is lacking in the Christmas decoration department. We have lights on the outside of the house at least. Adrian and I will have fun decorating inside on my time off. We really need to get our Christmas pictures taken and sent out. I am the queen of procrastination.