Tuesday after work I held soccer tryouts for the girls at my school. Once again this year I am going to be their coach. They moved up the soccer season so that our games don't go too late into the evening, but that means we have to start when it is hotter outside. I'm not too happy about this. Anyway, tryouts were from 3:30-5:00 and I was extremely hot and sweaty when they were over. On my way home I called Jon-Paul to see what we were doing for dinner. He didn't have any plans so I was just stopping by my parents house to pick up Adrian and then head on home. About 1 minute later he called me back and asked if I wanted to go to the Diamondbacks game. I would much rather go and watch a game then sit at home and watch it on tv.So I got to my parents house and jumped in the pool. I put my work clothes back on and tried to make myself look a little more presentable. The game started at 6:40 and we left their house at 6:20. By the time we got parked, got food, and walked all the way around to our seats it was the 3rd inning.
This was Adrian's first baseball game. He liked looking at all the people for a little while, but most of the time he laid on the ground and played with some cars he brought. He loved the fact that he was allowed to scream and we didn't tell him to stop. We were sitting out in right field and there wasn't anyone sitting close to us for at least 10 rows in each direction. I don't think it would have been very comfortable to hold him on our laps if the seats around us were taken. I'm so glad it was so empty.
The game didn't go well for the Diamondbacks at all, so we left in the 7th inning. Just as well since I had to be up at 5:30 the next morning. It was a fun evening as you can see by the following pictures.
Enjoying some ballpark food!
Playing with cars while the action takes place behind him.

I'd rather eat, mom.

Watch the player run around the bases, son.

There he goes dad!


It sure is hard taking a picture like this with 3 people!