Poor baby
Well it was bound to happen sooner or later. Adrian is a boy after all, and I guess injuries are just going to be a part of our lives. Last week we were getting ready for bed. We had just finished bath time and it was time to put pajamas on. His new toy obsession lately is cars, like hot wheels type of cars. We were attempting to get dressed, and all he wanted to do was play with his cars. The last piece of the outfit to put on was the shirt. I got it over his head but then he started to walk away to play with his cars again. Playfully I pulled on his shirt to pull him back. He thought it was funny so we kept on playing. At this point he probably had 6 or so cars in his hands. On the last pull I let go and he walked around the back of the couch. He must have tripped on some of Jon-Paul's shoes. Crash!! That's what we heard followed by a loud cry.
His face landed on all of the cars that he had in his hands. More specifically his mouth did. There was a lot of blood and he wasn't very willing to let me look in his mouth. I had to though just to make sure he wasn't missing any teeth. All of his teeth were still there but there was an awful lot of blood in his mouth. I think his teeth just cut through the inside of his lips. The outside of his lips were also cut by the cars. His lips were instantly puffy.
In the morning his lips were still very puffy. It looked like he had been in a boxing match. He was very willing to let me take picture though. He kept pointing to his lips saying "boo-boo." Here are some picture of his battle wounds. They healed surprisingly fast.

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