Spring Training
Since we didn't really plan anything for my spring break, we've just been going day to day before deciding what to do. Yesterday Jon-Paul didn't have to work, so we decided to catch a spring training game at Peoria Sports complex. I've never been there or to a spring training game, so I killed 2 birds with one stone. On the way there Adrian saw my Mp3 player and loved listening to it. He wouldn't give it back.
We sat out in the lawn. It was bright and hot until about the 5th inning and then a nice breeze came through to cool us down. I had a heck of a time trying to get a good picture of them. This was the best one I got and Adrian's eyes are still closed.
He was actually happy eating his ice cream. I just don't think he wanted to take anymore pictures.
It was a day off that was well spent!
Hey Ashley, I didn't know you had a blog! I saw it on Bethany's. Your little guy is looking so big!! He is just adorable!
Yeah, I'm not too good about updating it though. Thanks. Your 2 are so cute too!
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