So 2 weeks ago I had to put these feelings aside when I agreed to babysit the two children of one of Jon-Paul's good friends. He was going to be training for a new job during the day and his wife also was working during the day. I agreed to help them out for 2 weeks while he completed his training. After training he would be working nights, so they wouldn't be in need of childcare after that. The boy will be 3 this month and the girl will be 2 next month. So I was all of a sudden responsible for 3 kids under 3.
Monday morning he showed up to drop the kids off and of course Kata greeted them with her wall-shaking barking. They don't have any pets so meeting one dog and three cats was all new to them. Kata scared the girl to death by barking in her face and that was it for her the rest of the time they came over to our house. She was terrified of Kata and wouldn't let me put her down for 2 seconds. Yeah, that made it easy to get stuff done.
One thing I really wasn't used to was all the mess. If Adrian takes one thing out he has to put it away before getting something else out. Try telling that to two that weren't used to that rule. Wasn't working, so I basically followed them around cleaning up just to keep my sanity. I'm also not used to constant movement. Adrian is content to play with something for quite a while. These two moved from one thing to the next every five minutes! Sadly, the only thing that kept their attention for longer then that was if I gave them juice and turned on a cartoon. Their attention would be held until the juice was gone. I really, really tried to limit their juice intake, but they wouldn't drink anything else. While this went on Adrian stood there asking for water. What a good boy!
So I mentioned that I don't like to deal with the other end of things. I haven't had to clean a dirty diaper from Adrian since at least February. We're working on holding his pee right now, and we'll get there soon. Anyway, neither of these kids even attempt to use the potty. The boy will be 3 in a couple of weeks!! So you know what that means, I was doing a lot of breath holding.
I could go on and on about how much I hated it, but I won't do that. Here are a couple pictures of when I didn't mind having them here. Snacking on the couch, eating lunch at the counter, and ah yes napping!
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