Sunday, January 9, 2011

The fun begins

We enrolled Adrian in t-ball and he had first game yesterday.  He's playing with other 3-4 year olds so the rules and the way the game is played is a little different.  For one thing, no one keeps score.  At this beginning stage the most important things are socializing, having fun, and getting the basics of baseball.  All of the dads were out there standing behind their kids encouraging them to run for the ball when it was hit.  There isn't a pitcher in t-ball, no one is really standing on and covering 1st-3rd base, and there aren't any outs.  Each team gets to run through everyone once per inning so they get a chance to hit and then they switch.  Technically there were only 2 innings the entire hour but in that time each kid on both teams got to bat twice.  

After the game they cheered for the other team and high-fived each other.  At this age this is the cutest thing ever. Some of these kids are so confused as to what they are supposed to do and where they are supposed to run.  There is a lot of parental involvement and coaching.  Everyone watching is a coach at this point.

Funny side note, they have practice once a week on Monday nights and I was telling Adrian that daddy was going to take him while I made dinner and put Evan to bed.  He said no, that I was supposed to take him.  I strongly emphasized that daddy is a baseball player and has been most of his life and he would be the better parent to take him to practice.  Adrian's reasoning was that I should take him because I coach soccer so I must know more.  Kid cracks me up.  I'm the least athletic person ever and I'm just lucky to coach the kids I do.

Adrian's first time up to bat he hit the ball and stood there.  He's doesn't know to drop the bat and run to first base yet.  So, we all yelled at him to drop it and run.  He finally did and then stood on 1st base.  Next person came up to bat and hit the ball.  We told Adrian to run and he started running back towards home plate.  After some redirection he made it to second base.  His second time up to bat he hit the ball really hard, Jon-Paul says it was the hardest hit of the whole game.  This time his base running skills were better.

I think he liked the snack afterwards just as much as he liked playing.  He got a capri sun, chocolate granola bar, and some cheezits.  I think he's maybe had 2 capri suns his whole life.  He does not need that sugar.  Plus, the granola bar was dipped in chocolate not just chocolate chip.  I guess this sort of stuff once in a while is ok, but it scares me to think that some of these kids probably get these snacks on a regular basis.  I'm not saying we never have treats and yummy things because everyone needs sweets once in a while, but I know you can't buy an individual capri sun but rather a box of 10-12 that someone is going to drink.  Wow, sorry about that rant.

Here are a few pictures of his first game...

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